Tuesday, September 18, 2012


No matter how many times I find myself in Washington DC and, no matter how dysfunctional Congress may seem to be at the moment, I never cease to be awestruck when I stand next to the Capitol, marveling not just at the building's architecture but more so at the architecture of the republic for which it stands.

We are an amazingly blessed nation..... a statement that I make not so much with pride as with an overwhelming sense of responsibility for spreading this blessing to the rest of the world. And it's not all that different from the "blessing" I feel here at LBCC, and the corresponding sense of responsibility I feel for using what we have and who we are to benefit our communities.

Oh, and I was in DC to participate in what is being described as a "blue ribbon" committee that has been commissioned to take the AACC Report of the 21st Century Commission, Reclaiming the American Dream, and turn it into "feet-on-the-ground" implementation on our 1300 community college campuses.  Being given the opportunity to be a part of this work is another "blessing"....

Here's a link to a recent article about this "AACC Implementation Committee."  


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