The Power of Rumor
Many of you may know that I spent a year of my undergraduate schooling in Canada, at a small private junior college just outside Vancouver, BC….. It was a year that changed my life direction. It was there that I learned something about the possibility (necessity!) of meaning and purpose beyond myself, about the value of an advisor who was willing to mentor me (priceless!), and it was there that I also learned something about the power of rumor.
So, what did I learn?
- I learned that the half-live of a rumor is directly related to the scandal associated with it. No one even thought to spread a rumor about the platonic nature of the relationship I had with my friend, or about how we were learning so much about ourselves by sharing our thoughts and experiences with each other. But a rumor about an untimely pregnancy spread like wildfire, even without the aid of social media!
- I learned that not every rumor is true. In fact, most of them aren't. The truth of our lives is seldom as interesting as the stories that can be made up, and reality seldom lends the strength of support that we seek for our purposes.
- I learned that, as weird and uncomfortable as it might feel, going to the source is the best way to know the truth. Inquire instead of assume. Not only do we learn the truth, but we build clearer lines of communication and stronger relationships in the process. Rumors are the product of “talking about” instead of “talking with” and have a corrosive effect on both relationships and community.
So, what rumors have we heard lately?
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